Forum Rules and Guidelines
- Before creating a Topic or Posting a Comment, read the rules for creating Topics that have been pinned inside every Section.
- Spam is the worst offense - It’s worse than murder. Spam is a meaningless Post. Off-Topic Posts or Topics created in the wrong Section will be treated as Spam
- Racism and or hate filled speech is not allowed.
- No plagiarism. Copying and pasting content from others works is not allowed.
- Do not Post malicious links or links to fraudulent sites.
- Only one forum account per user. Multiple accounts will result in all accounts being removed and all rewards or prizes from events or giveaways will be forfeited.
- Referral links are only allowed in the designated Section and only if they are legitimate and tested by the member Posting them. That means, show some proof that it’s legit.
- Publishing personal info about other members and Staff (Doxxing) is not allowed.
A Few Guidelines To Follow
- Try not to create Topics that have already been created. If a similar Topic already exists, add your thoughts and Post Comments to that Topic.
- After being warned for violating the rules, please don’t take it personally and start spamming for revenge.
- No Spamming.
- No Spamming.
- Begging is ok! Just do it in the “Beg” Section or your Topic will be deleted and you may have restrictions placed on your account.
- Your Topic Title (Subject Title) should describe your Topic’s content.
- Do not create Topics that are Scam accusations. Falsely accusing Staff or other members of scamming will not be tolerated. If you have been scammed by another player and you have indisputable proof, please report to an Administrator or Moderator.
- Respect these guidelines and we will continue to bring you an awesome, entertaining experience and of course, lots and lots of rewards.